Cow wrangling – Becky

Summer is definitely on its way now and we have been enjoying the benefits of summer livery starting for a few days now. This means the horses are out 24/7 and we don’t have to muck out…the dreaded ‘poo picking’ rota hasn’t started yet.
Yesterday was a gorgeous sunny day.

The girls had just had new shoes on, courtesy of our lovely farrier Tom and Mad and I wanted to enjoy the late evening sunshine – so we went out for a hack.
Things are never simple on our yard these days. As well as the water company being run from out the front of the yard, yesterday we had to contend with 2 tree surgeons and a ‘chipping’ machine.
Thankfully our girls are good and we made it out of the yard alive and set off on our hack. Recently Lady had decided that motorbikes are the scariest thing in the world. She tried to dump Mad over a dry stone wall the other day trying to escape from one…such is her thoroughbred brain that it gets overloaded with adrenalin very quickly.
Due to this we headed off road ASAP to avoid any bikers who may also be out enjoying the sun. We rode out through the ‘pig’ fields, which have cows in them (don’t ask!)and up to the woods. It was nice to have a chat with Mad and to let the girls stroll along at their own pace. I love the woods at all times of year, but now with the leaves coming out and the bulbs out in flower, everywhere seems so alive.
Ellie is being a star at the moment, the change of food has really helped her and she’s back to chilled out hacking and happiness.

Of course – it was all going far, far too well, wasn’t it?!?
The cows….Lady’s second greatest fear…had moved….dun,dun,dern……!
They were down the far end of the field in the narrow bit by the gate we needed to get to….what to do? We knew Lady would have a cry if we asked her to walk by them so….. What to do?
I chucked my reins at Mad, left her with both girls on the far side of a field and wandered through to wrangle the beasts…

Clearly from now on call me the cow whisperer…. 😂

I’m sure you will all be pleased to know we made it back safely.

More adventures soon…

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